
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A/L General English Paper 1 Structure

2019,2020- Paper 1 - 1 hour

Part A - Grammar & Vocabulary

This part consists of 5 questions.All Questions should be answered.

  • Question 1 - 5 marks - prepositions දැනුම පිළිබඳව   
  • Question 2 - 10 marks - Verbs Form දැනුම පිළිබඳව 
  • Question 3 - 10 marks - cloze text 
    • paragraph එකක තියන වචන ඉවත් කරලා ගැළපෙන වචනය තෝරලා ඒ paragraph එක  පුරවන්න තියන ප්‍රශ්නයක් 
  • Question 4 -  5 marks 
    • එක සමාන තේරුම් තියන වචන කීපයක් තියනවා. වඩාත් ගැලපෙන වචනය තෝරන්න තියන ප්‍රශ්නයක් 
  • Question 5 - 5 marks 
    • affixes පිලිබඳ තියන දැනුම, adverb,adjective පිලිබඳ දැනුම උපයෝගී කරගෙන ලකුණු ගත හැකි ප්‍රශ්නයක්  
Part B - Reading & Writing 

This part consists of 5 questions.All Questions should be answered.

    • Question 6 - 5 marks
      • වාක්‍යක් ලබා දී එය තේරුම් ගැනීමට ඇති හැකියාව මැනීම. දීලා තියන වාක්‍යයට වඩා ගැලපෙන තේරුම ඇති වාක්‍යය තෝරා ලීවීම. 
    • Question 7 - 10 marks
      • දීල තියන text එක කියවලා ඒ ඇසුරින් දී ඇති ප්‍රශ්න කියවා පිළිතුරු සැපයීම
      • mcq 
      • true / false / not given    
    • Question 8 -  10 marks
      • "එක" paragraph එකක් දීල තියන ප්‍රශ්නයට අදාළව ලිවීම 
      • කිසිම වෙලාවක paragraph  2ක් හෝ ඊට වඩා වැඩියෙන් ලියන්න එපා. 
      • දීල තියන වචන ගණනට වඩා වැඩි පුර ලියන්න එපා. 
      • වැඩිපුර ලියා ඇති කොටස් පරීක්ෂා නොකරන අතර ඔබේ අදහස් දී ඇති limit එක තුල ගළපා ගත නොහැකි බව පෙන්වයි 
      • මෙතැනදී ලකුණු දීම දෙයාකාරයි 
        • content - 4 marks 
          • content අදාළ topic එකට ගැළපෙනවද කියන එක  - 4 marks 
          • content සාමාන්‍ය මට්ටමේ නම් - 3 marks 
          • යන්තම් කරුණු ගළපා ඇත්නම් - 2 marks 
          • කරුණු බොහොම අඩුයි නම් - 1 marks 
          • content එකට අදාළ කරුණු නැත්නම් - 0 marks ( 0 marks විට language part එකට ලැබෙන ලකුණු 6 ද  නොලැබේ ) 
        • language - 6 marks 
          • grammar වලට , නිවැරදි sentence pattern වලට 

    Tuesday, September 7, 2021

    A/L General English Paper Structure

    General English Paper එක කොටස් දෙකකින් සමන්විත වෙනවා.

    • Paper 1 - 1 hour (60 marks)
    • Paper 2 - 3 hour (140 marks)

    Paper 1 

    • Part A - Grammar and Vocabulary (35 marks)
      1. Grammar - 5 marks
      2. Grammar - 10 marks
      3. Cloze - 10 marks (cloze = හිස් වචන සෙවීම)
      4. Collocations - 5 marks
      5. Word Formation - 5 marks
    • Part B - Reading and writing skills (25 marks)
      1. Sentence comprehension - 5 marks
      2. Basic Reading Skills - 10 marks
      3. Paragraph Development -10 marks
    Paper 2
    • Part A - Reading Skills (50 marks)
      1. Inferring meaning -10 marks
      2. Reading a short text - 10 marks
      3. Poem - 5 marks
      4. Summary Cloze - 5 marks
      5. Reading complex text - 20 marks
    • Part B -Writing Skills - (25 marks)
      1. Language Functions - 05 marks
      2. Graph / Chart / Table - 10 marks
      3. Informal Letter / E-mail / Notice - 15 marks
      4. Formal Letter - 15 marks
      5. Essay - 20 marks
    Time - 4 hour
    Marks - 200/2 = 100
    Questions - 21

    Wednesday, May 12, 2021

    Grade 07 - Unit 3

                                                There is / There are

    There is / are - සාමානයෙන් මොකක් හරි දෙයක් තියෙනවා, කවුරු හරි කෙනෙක් ඉන්නවා කියන්න තමයි අපි මෙය භාවිත කරන්නේ. අපිට මේක ගොඩක් භාවිත කරන්න පුළුවන් පින්තූර විස්තර කිරීමේදී.

     මොකක් හරි එක දෙයක් ගැන නම් ඔයාට කියන්න ඕනේ, ඔයාට පුළුවන් මෙහෙම කියන්න.

    There is a book fair today. - අද පොත් සල්පිලක් තියෙනවා 

    There is a man in the room - කාමරයේ මිනිසෙක් සිටිනවා 

    එහෙම නැතිනම් කවුරුත් නෑ කියන්න , මොනවත් නැ කියන්න ඕනේ නම්. 

                                         is --> is not කරනවා 

    There is not a book fair today. - අද පොත් සල්පිලක් නෑ 

    කවුරු හරි ඉන්නවද ? මොනවා හරි තියෙනවද කියල අහන්නේ කොහොමද ? ඒ වෙලාවට අපි 

    is එකයි there එකයි මාරු කරනවා. 

                                There is --> Is there වෙනවා

     ඒ කතා කරේ එක දෙයක් ගැන නේ. දැන් ගොඩක් දේවල් තියෙනවා, ගොඩක් කට්ටිය ඉන්නවා කියන්නේ කොහොමද ?

    ගොඩක් දේවල් ගැන කියන්න ඕනෙනම් There are භාවිත කරන්න පුළුවන්.

    There are boys in the classroom. - පන්ති කාමරයේ පිරිමි ළමයි ඉන්නවා 

    There are books on my bed - මගේ ඇඳ  උඩ පොත් තියෙනවා

    එහෙම නෑ කියලා කියන්නේ කොහොමද ? 

    එතනදිත් අපි are --> are not කරනවා 

    There are not boys in the classroom. - පන්ති කාමරයේ පිරිමි ළමයි නෑ 

    There are not books on my bed  - මගේ ඇඳ  උඩ පොත් නෑ 

    ගොඩක් දේවල් තියෙනවද , ගොඩක් අය ඉන්නවද කියලා අහන්නේ කොහොමද?

     එහෙනම් අපි are එකයි there එකයි මාරු කරනවා 

                                        There are  --> Are there 

    Are there boys in the classroom? - පන්තියේ පිරිමි ළමයි ඉන්නවද?

    Are there books on your bed ? - ඔයාගේ ඇඳ උඩ පොත් තියෙනවද? 

    Aren't there boys in the classroom? -

    Aren't there books on your bed? -


                                            There was / There were

    හිටියා , තිබුණා කියන්න there was / there were භාවිත කරන්න පුළුවන්.

    There was a book fair yesterday. -  ඊයේ පොත් සල්පිලක් තිබුණා

    There was a man in the room - කාමරයේ මනුස්සයෙක් හිටියා 

    හිටියේ නැ , තිබුණේ නැ කියන්න was --> was not / were --> were not

    There was not a book fair yesterday. - ඊයේ පොත් සල්පිලක් තිබුණේ නැ 

    There was not a man in the room. - කාමරයේ මනුස්සයෙක් හිටියේ නෑ 

    Was there a book fair yesterday? - ඊයේ පොත් සල්පිලක් තිබුණද ?

    Was there a man in the room? - කාමරයේ මනුස්සයෙක් හිටියද?

    Wasn't there a book fair yesterday? - ඊයේ පොත් සල්පිලක් තිබුණේ නැද්ද ?

    Wasn't there a man in the room? කාමරයේ මනුස්සයෙක් හිටියේ නැද්ද?


                         There will be / There will not be (There won't be)

    There will be a book fair tomorrow. - හෙට පොත් සල්පිලක් තියේවි 

    There won't be a book fair tomorrow. - හෙට පොත් සල්පිලක් නැති වෙයි 

    Will there be a book fair tomorrow? - හෙට පොත් සල්පිලක් තියෙයිද ?

    Won't there be a book fair tomorrow? - හෙට පොත් සල්පිලක් නැති වෙයිද ?

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    "What a _ _ _ _ _ _" and "What _ _ _ _ _ _"

    පුදුමයක් හැඟවීමට මෙන්ම කවරකු හෝ යම් දෙයක් ගැන  වර්ණනා කිරීම සඳහාද  "What " යොදා ගනියි.

    මෙහිදී Exclamation Mark ("!") භාවිතය නිතරම සිදු කරයි. 

    Countable and singulars     ---->   "What a _ _ _ _ _ _ ! " 

    Uncountable and Plurals      ----> "What _ _ _ _ _ _ !"


    • What a good idea! - මොන තරම් හොඳ අදහසක්ද ? 👏
    • What crazy ideas you have! - මොන පිස්සු අදහස්ද ඔයාට තියෙන්නේ ? 😠

    Sunday, October 11, 2020


    the version of you 


    5 years ago 

    could see you 

    right now, 

    They'd be so proud. 

    Keep going.

    Friday, September 4, 2020

    Plurals of Compound Nouns

     A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words (e.g. toothpaste, daughter-in-law). Compound can be formed as follows.

    • Noun + Noun
      • Police Station
    • Noun + Adjective
      • Spoonful
    • Adjective + Noun
      • Bright Sun
    • Verb + Noun
      • Swimming Pool
    • Noun + Verb
      • Haircut, Skydiving
    • Verb + preposition
      • Check-in
    • Noun + preposition
      • Passer by
    • Preposition + Noun
      • Underground
    • Noun + Preposition + Noun
      • Father-in-law
    Examples for Compound Nouns--
    • Spoonful
    • Mouthful
    • Father-in-law
    • Mother-in-law
    • Sister-in-law
    • Brother-in-law
    • Guest-of-honour
    • By-way
    Plural of Compound Nouns

    1. Spoonful - >Spoonfuls
    2. Mouthful - >Mouthfuls
    3. Passer-by - > Passers-by
    4. Guest-of-honour - > Guests-of-honour 
    5. father-in-law - >fathers-in-law
    6. mother-in-law- >mothers-in-law
    7. teacher-in-charge- >teachers-in-charge
    8. a ten-year-old - >a ten-years-old
    9. Notary public - >Notaries Public
    10. Commander-in-chief- >Commanders-in-chief

    Irregular Plurals

     A large majority of nouns in the English Language are pluralized by adding an "s" or "es" to the end of the word and They are called regular plurals. Nouns that don't follow the above rule are called irregular plurals.

    Singular                Plurals

    Person                    People

    Foot                       Feet

    Tooth                     Teeth

    Child                     Children

    Mouse                   Mice

    Sheep                    Sheep

    Fish                       Fish

    Leaf                      Leaves

    Goose                   Geese

    Woman                Women

    Man                     Men

    Aircraft               Aircraft

    Index                    Indices

    Syllabus               Syllabi

    Axis                    Axes

    Criterion              Criteria

    Medium              Media

    Curriculum         Curricula

    Formula               Formulae / Formulas

    Fungus                Fungi

    Phenomenon       Phenomena

    Bacterium            Bacteria

    Nucleus                Nuclei

    Analysis             Analyses

    Appendix            Appendices

    Vertebra            Vertebrae


    Common English Verbs

    1. Add
    2. Addict
    3. Avoid
    4. Ask
    5. Bark
    6. Bite
    7. Break
    8. Broke
    9. Bury
    10. Become
    11. Became
    12. Breathe
    13. Born
    14. Bath
    15. Buy
    16. Bought
    17. Burn
    18. Burnt
    19. Bend
    20. Brush
    21. Blow
    22. Build
    23. Built
    24. Begin
    25. Climb
    26. Copy
    27. Cry
    28. Comb
    29. Clean
    30. Check
    31. Cut
    32. Collect
    33. Compare
    34. Complete
    35. Chop
    36. Complain
    37. Consider
    38. Call
    39. Carry
    40. Carve
    41. Catch
    42. Caught
    43. Call
    44. Dance
    45. Drive
    46. Delete
    47. Dig
    48. Disturb
    49. Drop
    50. Design
    51. Discover
    52. Desire
    53. Dry
    54. Drag
    55. Die
    56. Dead
    57. Damage
    58. Destroy
    59. Divide
    60. Drizzle
    61. Eat
    62. Erase
    63. Express
    64. Explain
    65. Flow
    66. Find
    67. Found
    68. Fall
    69. Fell
    70. Fail
    71. File
    72. Fill
    73. Faint
    74. Feel
    75. Felt
    76. Fly
    77. Forget
    78. Forgot
    79. Get
    80. Got
    81. Gather
    82. Grow
    83. Hit
    84. Hope
    85. Hop
    86. Hang
    87. Hear
    88. Hold
    89. Hide
    90. Hid
    91. Hurt
    92. Speak
    93. Think
    94. Understand
    95. Remember
    96. Show
    97. Try
    98. Swim
    99. Sweep
    100. Seek
    101. Throw
    102. Request
    103. Pray
    104. Wish
    105. Worship
    106. Offer
    107. Leave
    108. Stop
    109. Sing
    110. Punish
    111. Listen
    112. Tear
    113. Sew
    114. Ride
    115. Make
    116. Made
    117. Prepare
    118. Wipe
    119. Sharpen
    120. Want
    121. Need
    122. Worry
    123. Trouble
    124. Talk
    125. Imagine
    126. See
    127. Put
    128. Set
    129. Let
    130. Bet
    131. Shut
    132. Wrap
    133. Peel
    134. Make
    135. Made
    136. Mix
    137. Apply
    138. Pay
    139. Observe
    140. Describe
    141. Repair
    142. Carve
    143. Scrub
    144. Light
    145. Resign
    146. Shake
    147. Peep
    148. Vomit
    149. Paint
    150. Stink
    151. Scratch
    152. Knit
    153. Pinch
    154. Tickle
    155. Joke
    156. Yawn
    157. Grin
    158. Rub
    159. Nourish
    160. Submit
    161. Snore
    162. Thunder
    163. Supply
    164. Provide
    165. Hate
    166. Lose
    167. Lost
    168. Turn
    169. Save
    170. Swallow
    171. Pull
    172. Push
    173. Ring
    174. Slip
    175. Maintain
    176. Repair
    177. Study
    178. Miss
    179. Address
    180. Rescue
    181. Run
    182. Ran
    183. Jump
    184. Sit
    185. Sat
    186. Stand
    187. Stood
    188. Steal
    189. Stole
    190. Reply
    191. Measure
    192. Tie
    193. Match
    194. Polish
    195. Plant
    196. Look
    197. See
    198. Mean
    199. Learn
    200. Study
    201. Teach
    202. Live
    203. Love
    204. Stay
    205. Wait
    206. Smile
    207. Laugh
    208. Marry
    209. Engage
    210. Like
    211. Pick
    212. Pluck
    213. Water
    214. Take
    215. Took
    216. Left
    217. Leave
    218. Trim
    219. Tight
    220. Search
    221. Paste
    222. Shout
    223. Struggle
    224. Wear
    225. Remove
    226. Pierce
    227. Pour
    228. Scrape
    229. Enjoy
    230. Taste
    231. Kill
    232. Hunt
    233. Shoot
    234. Leak
    235. Reject
    236. Subtract
    237. Multiply
    238. Share
    239. Mention
    240. Rise
    241. Start
    242. End
    243. Finish
    244. Train
    245. Serve
    246. Pollute
    247. Write
    248. Read
    249. Wash
    250. Confirm

    Saturday, August 22, 2020

    am / is / are

     1.Fill in the blanks using is or are.

    Mr.Siripala and his family ........................ is at home. Mr.Siripala .................... reading a book. Mrs.Siripala ................. cooking. Their children ............. there too. They .................. working. Rohan..................... sweeping the floor. Gihani ............. sewing a dress. Where ......... is the cat? It .......... sleeping under a chair.

    2.Change the following into questions.


        The boy is playing

        Is the boy playing?

    1.Nethuli is doing her homework. - ..........................................................................

    2.Mother is cooking rice.- ..........................................................................

    3.Father is watching television.- ..........................................................................

    4.Sister is playing under the table.- ..........................................................................

    5.Brother is sleeping in the room.- ..........................................................................

    6.Rohan is learning English.- ..........................................................................

    7.The cat is climbing a tree.- ..........................................................................

    8.Malith is cleaning the blackboard.- ..........................................................................

    9.The class monitor is preparing a cleaning chart.

    10.I am shouting.- ..........................................................................

    3.Change the following as the example.


        They are singers.

        Are they singers?

    1.They are dancers.- ..........................................................................

    2.The Students are writing an assessment.- ..........................................................................

    3.You are sithuli-- ..........................................................................

    4.The Players are sitting on the floor.- ..........................................................................

    5.The Children are playing .- ..........................................................................

    4.Change the following as negative sentences.


        Malith is playing

        Malith is not playing

    1.Asoka is swimming- ..........................................................................

    2.Anoma is reading-- ..........................................................................

    3.The children are learning.- ..........................................................................

    4.The girls are sewing.- ..........................................................................

    5.Lasith is reading.- ..........................................................................

    6.He is singing.- ..........................................................................

    7.She is sleeping.- ..........................................................................

    8.It is running.- ..........................................................................

    9.He is swimming.- ..........................................................................

    10.She is sweeping.- ..........................................................................

    5.Put the following words in their right order to form sentences.

    a.)sweeping/ is/ Nimali

    b.)is / Lasith/ playing

    c.)he / working/ is

    d.)cat/ the / climbing/the/ is / tree

    e.)children / the / playing / football / are

    Read and Answer

    Anuki's House

    This is a house

    It is our house

    It is not a big house.

    Our house is near a paddy-field. 

    It is our paddy-field

    Our garden is in front of our house.

    It is a large garden.

    My Father and my brother are in it.

    They are busy.

    A. Are the following statements right or wrong?

        1.This is Anuki's house ( _ _ _ _ _ )

        2.It is a small house ( _ _ _ _ _ )

        3.It is near a paddy-field ( _ _ _ _ _ )

        4. The garden is behind the house ( _ _ _ _ _ )

        5. Anuki's father and mother are in the garden. ( _ _ _ _ _ )

    B.Answer these Questions.

        1.Where is the house?

        2.Is it a big house or a small house?

        3.Where is the garden?

        4.Is it a large garden or a small garden?

        5.Who is in the garden?

    In Their Garden

    Manuka and Anuki are brother and sister. They are in their garden. They are playing. Their pets are there too. Kitty- their cat is climbing a tall tree. It is mewing. Meaow! Meaow! Meaow! Their dog - Spot is very angry. It is under the tree. It is barking. It is looking at the cat. It is barking at Kitty. Bow! Wow! Bow! Wow! The two little children are very happy. They are laughing. They are shouting. They are having fun.

    Their father is standing near the door. He is watching the children. He is enjoying their fun. Their mother is in the garden too. She is near her vegetable-bed. She is not watching the children. She is working. She is watering her chillie plants. They are flowering. She is very happy.

    A. Are these true or false?

        1.Manuka is in his house. (__________)

        2.Anuki is playing.(__________)

        3.The cat is under the tree.(__________)

        4.The cat's name is kitty.(__________)

        5.The dog's name is Spot.(__________)

        6.Their father is not watching the children.(__________)

        7.Their father is enjoying the fun.(__________)

        8.Their mother is weeding her vegetable-bed.(__________)

        9.The chillie plants are flowering.(__________)

        10.Manuka is climbing a tree. (__________)

    B.Give the correct answer

    1.The two little children are




    2.Kitty is climbing

            a.)a window

            b.)a tree

            c.)the roof

    3.The dog is 




    4.Their mother is 

            a.)in the house

            b.)near the vegetable bed

            c.)at the door

    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Phonic Practice - "e"







    3R ක්‍රමවේදය යනු කුමක්ද?

    අප විසින් නිෂ්පාදනය කරන අපද්‍රව්‍ය ප්‍රමාණය අඩු කිරීමට සහ පරිසරය ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට භාවිතා කරන පරිසර හිතකාමී ක්‍රමයකි.  3R ක්‍රමවේදයේ ඇති ප්‍රධාන...